Terms, Condtions & Responisbilities
An application & deposit of £500.00 per person is required to hold your spot on a vacation.
See the payment page for payment options and to download an application form.
You may pay your deposit or payment balances by Paypal or Bank transfer.
Deposits are non-refundable if you cancel within 90 days of the trip start date.
If we can fill your place, your deposit will be refunded in full. If requested, deposits may be held, to be applied to a future tour on a case by case basis.
Full price tour balances are due at least 30 days prior to your holiday start date.
Travel insurance may be a good idea.
We do reserve the right to reschedule tours if the minimum amount of guests are not met (full notice will be given)
To Qualify for free transfers please Reserve your return trip flight to Manchester or Birmingham Airports.
On your return flight please please ensure your flight leaves after 11am.
NOTE: please arrive on the day stated on the booking form and please ensure your return flight is booked on the last day of your stay.
(N.B - if your tour date is 12th to the 23rd please arrive on the 12th and arrange the departure for the 23rd)
Arriving too early or too late or departing too early or late may involve extra costs for transfers and or accommodation)
Trip cancellation insurance is highly recommended for coverage of the above expenses when cancellation is due to illness or accident. Other travel insurance, such as baggage and flight insurance, may be available from your airlines.
By applying and participating on a Metal Detecting Holiday, You are required and agree to the following conditions for the exporting of any coins/ artefacts found whilst on tour.
We have access to the export licenses forms required to send artefacts out of the UK.
After the holiday has ended you are required to put all your finds over 50 years old in a protective container with your details on it. We will then examine your finds and then apply on your behalf for the export license (you may be responsible for charges incurred) . If any of the artefacts are of greater importance then they can be taken into the local Finds Liason Officer where experts will ID and record the item giving you a greater depth of information.
This Application normaly takes between four to 12 months or so to be assessed.
Once the application has been granted the item will be mailed to the finder with the license attached by secure mail.
If any of the items are of great national importance and a license is not granted then the finder still owns the item but it can't be taken out of the country, choices here could be to sell the item or leave it on show in a museum. If a treasure trove is discovered, English law prevails, and the "find" becomes the property of the crown. However, the finder is entitled to receive a reward for full market value, & this reward is split with the land owner. For a summary of information on the Treasure Act, please see the Finds.org.uk page. Click on the link on the Metal Detecting Holidays Links page, for more detailed information.
We respectfully ask all participants on our holidays to follow a few simple rules. Please make sure that you Fill all holes you dig , And replace pasture plugs green side up and heeled in. Remove waste as you dig it , Do not re-bury your trash or leave it on the surface, especially on ploughed land which can damage farm machinery. Be sure to stay within the agreed search area and fields, and do not trespass onto other fields or farms.
Metal Detecting Holidays acts only as agent for the client with respect to transportation and accommodations and exercises every care possible. It's employees, Holiday and accommodation hosts, or any other persons or vendors connected with the holiday shall not under any circumstances be liable to the client or by any reason responsible directly or indirectly for any accidents, injury, delay, damage or inconvenience caused to the client by negligence of others, by malfunctions of transportation systems or equipment, by changes or cancellations, Furthermore, Metal Detecting Holidays and its associates shall not be held responsible for the cancellation of a tour when the situation is caused beyond our control such as government restrictions, threat of animal or bird diseases, perceived or actual terrorist activity, civil unrest and adverse weather conditions and understand that every tour client absolves the tour hosts and their associates from all liability of the above. In the event of illness or injury of a client, tour hosts and personnel will do their utmost to lend assistance or call the emergency services but shall not be held responsible for administering or not administering medicine or first aid, and the client hereby releases the above mentioned corporation and persons from any and all such liability. The airline(s) concerned are not held responsible for any act, omission, or event during the time passengers are not on their planes or conveyances. The passenger's contract in use by the airlines concerned, when issued, shall constitute the sole contract between the air carriers and the purchaser of this adventure. Any and/or all transportation companies herein mentioned shall not have or incur any responsibility to any traveller aside from their liability as common carriers.
Metal Detecting Holidays is not responsible for any flight cancellations, due to tours being cancelled or postponed by either party. Baggage is the owner's risk entirely. By forwarding the deposit, the passenger certifies that he/she does not have any mental, physical, or any other condition or disability that would create a hazard for him/her self or other clients. Metal Detecting Holidays participants realize the hazards of traveling by foot over rural terrain and plowed fields and accept the responsibility and risks of this type of activity. In consideration of and as part payment for the right to participate in such an adventure the client agrees to assume all of the above risks and agrees that such payment shall also constitute consent to all provisions contained herein. Also, it is understood that Metal Detecting Holidays make no guarantee, explicit or implied, as to the number or value of artifacts, coins, jewellry that the participant could find while detecting, but will try to provide the very best locations and sites available to them to insure the continued success of their hunts.Metal Detecting Holidays reserves the right to make any alterations to the itinerary as may be deemed necessary to carry out the holiday. Air and land costs are subject to change without notice. Airlines generally have a minimum stay of seven days and a maximum stay of twenty-one days. Other rules may also apply.
We advise that your have holiday and personal insurance.